Walufu Titus

Titus completed his first CROSO scholarship in 2015 at Uganda Technical School in Sironko District, he received a National Diploma in Building and Civil Engineering. Due to his enthusiasm and eagerness to learn, Titus reapplied for another CROSO scholarship in order to obtain his bachelor's degree in Civil and Building Engineering. He attended Kyambogo University and graduated in 2022! 


When it comes to Titus’s education, he goes above and beyond in order to understand the materials to the fullest extent; not only does he love field trips that offer him the opportunity to tour and learn about different construction sites, but he also has had multiple work and internship opportunities. He also dedicates his time towards honing his skills on different computer programs through self-tutorials at a local youth center, Titus is passionate about equipping himself with as many tools as possible in order to become as successful as he possibly can. Titus has been immensely successful throughout his education due to his work ethic, “My classes are really awesome. For the case of Surveying, it aims at studying the nature of the ground like generating contours, coming up with elevation from the mean sea level and generating Digital elevation model (DEM files) for analysis.” In addition to school, Titus always finds time to help his friends. Whether he is offering them guidance morally at his bible study, or offering them advice in regards to school at the local youth center. 

Titus’s Vision for the Future:

Titus has always known that he wanted to pursue a career with civil engineering because he is passionate about helping his community, “I look forward to being an important asset to my people by coming up with infrastructures that transform my community. I was raised in a community where things like hospitals are not available, things like water are not there and they have to fetch it in the valleys… I will be able to come up with the structures that will solve day to day problems.” 

More Background Information on Titus:

Titus has always been excited to help, whether it has something to do with his family and friends or his involvement while he was at C.R.O. Titus participated in C.R.O’s choir, peer education program, he helped on the farm, and clearly distinguished himself as a leader amongst his peers. His father passed away in 2001 as a result of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and in order to not only support himself, but also his mother, he was forced to the streets to clean houses, sort nuts, and carry water or luggage for people in town.
