Namuwenge Ingrid

Ingrid became a CROSO Scholar in 2019 and pursued a diploma in record management. She recognizes its relevance throughout practically every sector, so she is excited to explore the possibilities. Ingrid is studying at Management Training and Advisory Center in Mbale and, despite some delays related to COVID pandemic closures, she completed her diploma program in 2022 and graduated in 2023.

Vision for the Future:

Ingrid is also confident in her ability to not only do her job, but do it well. Even before starting her diploma program, she had some experience in this field. She assisted her teachers with filing papers, making termly reports and timetables, and tracking productivity and profitability when it comes to her mother’s garden work. Combining that experience with the additional experience she’ll gain in her classroom and internships, Ingrid is looking forward to beginning her career.

More on Ingrid’s Background:

Ingrid’s father passed away due to a chronic illness, which left her mother as the main financial provider for her eight children. Without a reliable income, the family’s finances were stretched beyond capacity when one of Ingrid’s siblings became sick. Ingrid endured hardship when she began working on the street as a deliverer for a food kiosk that paid her very little money or none at all. When C.R.O. found Ingrid, they were able to offer Ingrid support, registered her for school and gave her space to become an active student in music, dance, drama, debate and various sports. In secondary school, Ingrid served as a deputy speaker in the students peace movement club, head girl for the 2017-2018 academic year, and completed a one year course in leadership and entrepreneurship.
