Areto Carol

Carol’s History
Carol was found by C.R.O in 1993, at the age of 5, searching in the streets for food. She and her family were forced to flee to the slums in order to flee from rebel activity in northeastern Uganda. Carol has done well in her studies in primary, secondary and now even in university education. Carol wanted to ensure a stable life for herself, her family, and her community and she hoped to be an accountant. Before she started any post-secondary education, she took one year between secondary school and university to participate in a one-year youth exchange program in Norway.

Carol is a clear leader in her community. In 2012, CROSO had an American contract worker interview all our students. Our interviewer remarked that Carol is one of the brightest people he’s ever met.

Carol’s CROSO Scholarship

Carol began her undergraduate program in Business Administration in 2012 at Uganda Christian University. In 2013, board members were were able to meet Carol first hand and confirm that she is indeed incredibly bright! Not only is she intelligent, she’s also very welcoming and warm. When all the scholars in the Mbale area gathered, Carol quickly organized the group to play some ice breakers and made sure everyone was laughing from the start. We are proud to support Carol as she works towards her goals.

Carol graduated with her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in December of 2015!

After the CROSO Scholarship

Carol was hired in 2016 by Child Restoration Outreach in Mbale, Uganda. She will serve as a social worker there and she is quite excited to be able to give back to the organization who helped her find a home and “family” after living on the streets. Carol is well-respected by the younger C.R.O. students and even has been housing them for the past several years. Many of them look up to her as a role model.
